Scholarly Books
Sweatshops on Wheels: Winners and Losers in Trucking Deregulation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Panel on the Review of the Compliance, Safety, and Accountability (CSA) Program of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Transportation Research Board, & National Academies of Sciences - Engineering - Medicine. (2017). Improving Motor Carrier Safety Measurement. Washington: National Academies Press. ISBN 978-0-309-46201-3 | DOI 10.17226/24818. Summer 2017. With Panel members Joel B. Greenhouse, Sharon-Lise Normand (Committee Co-Chairs), Dan Blower, Linda Boyle, Michael Daniels, Don Hedeker, Brenda Lantz, Dan McCaffrey, Brisa Sanchez, Robert Scopatz, and Juned Siddique.
Gillespie, Robin Mary; Andrew Krum; Darrell Bowman; Stephanie Baker and Michael H. Belzer. 2016. Bus Operator Workstations Design for Improving Occupational Health and Safety, Transportation Cooperative Research Program (TCRP). Washington: Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. National Academies of Science. 127 pages.;
Burks, Stephen V., Michael H. Belzer, KWAN Quon, Stephanie G. Pratt, and Sandra Shackelford. 2010. Trucking 101: An Industry Primer. In TRB Transportation Research Circular E-C146, edited by Transportation Research Board Committee on Trucking Industry Research (AT060). Washington: Transportation Research Board. December 22. 68 pages.
National Research Council Committee for Review of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Large Truck Crash Causation Study. 2003. With Forrest M.Council (chair); John R. Billing; Kenneth L. Campbell; James W. Dally; Anne T. McCartt; Hugh W. McGee; A. James McKnight; Jack Stuster; Steven J. Vaughn, and Frank R. Wilson. "Letter Report to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Administrator Annette M. Sandberg." Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board, 66 pages.
Truck Driver Occupational Safety and Health: 2003 Conference Report and Selective Literature Review. 2007. With Gregory M. Saltzman. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Department of Health and Human Services Publication No. 2007-120. 117 pages.
Paying the Toll: Economic Deregulation of the Trucking Industry. Washington, D.C.: Economic Policy Institute. 1991. Briefing and Working Papers Series.
Book Chapters
"Economic Liberalisation of Road Freight Transport in the EU and the USA” With Annette Thörnquist (Linköping University, Sweden). In The Regulation and Management of Workplace Health and Safety: Historical and Emerging Trends. Peter Sheldon, Sarah Gregson, Russell Lansbury, and Karin Sanders, editors. Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis. 2020, pp. 52-79 (Chapter 4). Download
“Labor and Human Resources in the Freight Industry.” In Intermodal Transportation: Moving Freight in a Global Economy. Lester Hoel, Genevieve Giuliano, and Michael Meyer, editors. Publisher: Eno Transportation Foundation. May 2011.
"The Next Move: Metropolitan Regions and the Transformation of the Freight Transport and Distribution System." With Susan Christopherson. In Urban and Regional Policy and Its Effects, edited by Nancy Pindus, Howard Wial, and Harold Wolman. Brookings Institution Press. 2009. ISBN: 9780815702979
“The Effects of Trucking Firm Financial Performance on Safety Outcomes.” With Marta S. Rocha and Daniel A. Rodriguez. In Transportation Labor Issues and Regulatory Reform. James H. Peoples and Wayne K. Talley eds. Research in Transportation Economic Series. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers, 2004, pp. 35-55. ISBN: 9780080545523
“Trucking: Collective Bargaining Takes a Rocky Road.” In Collective Bargaining in the Private Sector, edited by Paul F. Clark, John T. Delaney, and Ann C. Frost. Champaign, IL: Industrial Relations Research Association, 2002, pp. 311-342. ISBN: 9780913447840
“Commentary on Railroad Deregulation and Union Labor Earnings.” In Regulatory Reform and Labor Markets, edited by James Peoples. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, pp. 155-182. ISBN: 9789401148566
“Labor Market Regulation: Balancing the Benefits and Costs of Competition.” With Dale Belman. In Government Regulation of the Employment Relationship, edited by Bruce Kaufman. Madison, Wisconsin: Industrial Relations Research Association, 1997, pp. 179-220. ISBN: 9780913447703
"The Motor Carrier Industry: Truckers and Teamsters under Siege." In Contemporary Collective Bargaining in the Private Sector, edited by Paula B. Voos. Madison, Wisconsin: Industrial Relations Research Association, 1994, pp. 259-302. ISBN: 9780913447604
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Ju Shengyang and Belzer MH. (2024). Follow the Money: Trucker Pay Incentives, Working Time, and Safety. The Economic and Labour Relations Review.
Ryley, Walter T., & Belzer, Michael H. (2023). Compensation and crash incidence: Evidence from the National Survey of Driver Wages. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 33(3), 1-22. doi:10.1017/elr.2022.13
“Describing economic benefits and costs of nonstandard work hours: A scoping review.”With Imelda S. Wong, Quay Brian, and Emily Irvin. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. October 22, 2021.
“The Economics of Long Work Hours: How Economic Incentives Influence Workplace Practice." Industrial Health, 58(5), 399–402. September 2020. Editorial.
“Excessive work hours and hypertension: Evidence from the NIOSH survey data.” With Takahiko Kudo. Safety Science 129. September 2020.
“Safe Rates and Unpaid Labor: Non-driving pay and truck driver work hours.” With Takahiko Kudo.The Economic and Labour Relations Review 30(4), 532–548. December 2019.
“The association between truck driver compensation and safety performance.” Safety Science 120, 447-455. December 2019.
"Returns to Compensation in Trucking: Does Safety Pay?” With Michael Faulkiner. The Economic and Labour Relations Review. 30(2): 262-284. Published OnlineFirst March 20, 2019. Download
“Work-Stress Factors Associated with Truck Crashes: An Exploratory Analysis.” The Economic and Labour Relations Review 39(2), 262-284. August 2019.
“Why Do Long Distance Truck Drivers Work Extremely Long Hours?” With Stanley A. Sedo. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 29(1), 59–79. 2018.
“Tolling and Economic Efficiency: Do the pecuniary benefits exceed the safety costs?” With Peter F. Swan. Public Works Management & Policy, 18(2), 167–84. 2013.
“Environmental Determinants of Obesity-Associated Morbidity Risks for Truckers.” International Journal of Workplace Health Management. With Yorghos Apostolopoulos, Sevil Sönmez, and Mona M Shattell. 5(2), 120 - 138, 2012.
“Supply Chain Security: Agency Theory and Port Drayage Drivers.” With Peter F. Swan. The Economic and Labour Relations Review 22(1), 41-64. May 2011.
“Worksite-Induced Morbidities Among Truck Drivers in North America: A Comprehensive Literature Review.” With Yorghos Apostolopoulos, Sevil Sönmez, and Mona M. Shattell. American Association of Occupational Health Nurses [AAOHN] Journal. 58(7), 285-96. 2010.
“Empirical Evidence of Toll Road Traffic Diversion and Implications for Highway Infrastructure Privatization.” With Peter F. Swan. Public Works Management & Policy 14(4), 351-73. April 2010.
“Pay Incentives and Truck Driver Safety: A Case Study.” With Daniel A. Rodriguez and Felipe Targa. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 59(2), 205-225. January 2006.
“Effects of Truck Driver Wages and Working Conditions on Highway Safety: Case Study.” With Daniel Rodríguez, Marta Rocha, and Asad J. Khattak. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, no. 1833 (Freight Policy, Economics, and Logistics; Truck Transportation), 2003, pp. 95-102.
“The Case for Strengthened Motor Carrier Hours of Service Regulations.” With Gregory M. Saltzman. Transportation Journal, 41(4), 51-71. Summer 2002.
“Technological Innovation and the Trucking Industry: Information Revolution and the Effect on the Work Process.” Journal of Labor Research 23(3), 375-396. Summer 2002.
“Government Oversight and Union Democracy: Lessons from the Teamsters Experience.” With Richard Hurd. Journal of Labor Research 20(3), 343-365. Summer 1999.
“Collective Bargaining in the Trucking Industry: Do the Teamsters Still Count?” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 48(4), 636-655. July 1995.
Articles in the Popular Press
Truck drivers are overtired, overworked and underpaid.” The Conversation. July 25, 2018.
“Truck Driver Security Issues: The New World of Secure Surface Transportation.” Perspectives on Work: The Magazine of the IRRA, Vol. 6, No. 1; June 2002, pp. 13-15.
“Life on the Road Captured in Accurate Surveys.” Alexandria, VA: Transport Topics. October 22, 2001, page 9.
“Truckers' Travails: Deciphering a Decade of Decline.” Somerville, MA: Dollars & Sense, No. 201; September/October 1995, pp.20-23.
“Should LIRR Come Under Anti-Strike Law?” Melville, NY: Newsday. Sunday, June 19, 1994, page 35.
“Keep Courts Out of Labor Fights.” Journal of Commerce. Thursday, February 24, 1994.
“An American Version of Co-Determination.” Dialogues 1:2. Madison, Wisconsin: Industrial Relations Research Association; November 1993, pp. 1-2.
Papers Published in Conference Proceedings
“Neoliberalism and Competitive Economic Pressure: The Effects on Safety” (Keynote 1; 165-179). Neoliberalism’s Threat to Safety and Transport Workers’ Response – An International Symposium. October 28, 2015.
“Empirical Evidence of Toll Road Traffic Diversion and Implications for Highway Infrastructure Privatization.” With Peter F. Swan, The Pennsylvania State University–Harrisburg. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2008.
“Sweatshops on Wheels: The Labor Relations Crisis in American Trucking.” Presented at conference entitled “Industrial Relations and International Labor Standards under Globalization” at Renmin University, Beijing, China. April 1-2, 2006.
“Pay Incentives and Truck Driver Safety: Case Study.” With Daniel A. Rodriguez and Felipe Targa. Abstract published in Compendium of Papers CD-ROM of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 12-16, 2003, Washington, DC.
“Effects of Truck Driver Wages and Working Conditions on Highway Safety: Case Study.” With Daniel Rodríguez, Marta Rocha, and Asad J. Khattak. Abstract published in Compendium of Papers CD-ROM of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 12-16, 2003, Washington, DC.
“Discussion” of papers presented in “Labor Studies/Labor Unions, Collective Bargaining, Dispute Resolution and Labor and Employment Law Refereed Papers Symposium”. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association, January 2-5, 2003, Washington, DC. Champaign, IL: Industrial Relations Research Association, 2003, pp. 294-295.
“Worker Representation in the Truckload Sector: What Do Truckers Want?” Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association, January 5-7, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana. Champaign, IL: Industrial Relations Research Association, 2001, pp. 133-143.
“Discussion” of papers presented in “Labor Markets and Economics, and International Refereed Papers” session. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association, January 5-7 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana. Champaign, IL: Industrial Relations Research Association, 2001, pp. 336-338.
“Deregulation and Decentralization: The Impact on Employment Relations.” Proceedings of the Twenty First Century Labor Studies International Academic Conference, Chinese Culture University. Taipei, Taiwan. October 12-13, 2000, pp. 1-45.
“Labor Law Reform: Taking a Lesson from the Trucking Industry.” Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association. Washington, DC. January 6-8, 1995. Madison, Wisconsin: Industrial Relations Research Association, 1995; pp. 403-413.
“Collective Bargaining in the Trucking Industry: The Effects of Institutional and Economic Restructuring.” Abstract in Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association. Anaheim, California. January 5-7, 1993. Madison, Wisconsin: Industrial Relations Research Association, 1993; pp. 539-540.
“Discussion” on “Strategic Diversity in Union Political Action: Implications for the 1992 Elections,” by Richard W. Hurd and Jeffrey E. Sohl. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association. New Orleans, LA. January 3-5, 1992. Madison: Industrial Relations Research Association, 1992; pp. 314-316.

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